Sunday 14 June 2009

Selamat Pengantin Baru Arif & Mas

Congratz to Arif & Mas on their wedding day 31.05.09..ngam lgi Hari ABDB tu. The gang wore grey in support of the pengantin sal durang pkai grey jua. It was a very hot day masa atu..luckily Arif's reception was at Dewan Muhibah..ada aircond..hehe..after the majlis, we all decided to ikut hantar Arif to his wife's house in Mentiri..jauh yo..baik jua ada highway udah..hehe..

To Arif & Mas..Welcome to d club ;) Selamat menempuh alam rumahtangga & semoga bahagia selalu..we know u guys still on ur hunymoon ryt now..hehe..enjoy..

Arif Majlis Berbedak 29.05.09

been there..done that

Diana & in line..heehee..

Arif & Mas..bagai pinang dibelah dua..chewah

Jelitawans in Grey
(L to R): Diana, me, Lena & Izati

hmm..mana aku dlm ini gambar..??

owh here I am..hehe


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