Monday 28 September 2009

Hari Raya Kedua

Wah this morning ahir sikit bangun cos smlm ahir balik. I woke up 10.30am atupun bcos my mom riuh2..hehehe..ikutkan hati kan tidur plg lagi. After I showered, tarus pakai baju raya cos today we were going to adi beradi my dad since it is his off day today. Our 1st stop was at Bungsu who lives in Selayun. Dekat ja dgn our house. Before jalan, sampat gi tu snap pix of our living room..heheh..decors ilham my sis n mom. This year my sis byk belanja for our living room. Maklum lah for how many years udah asyik sama ja sofa n curtains nya. So tahun ani everything tukar to look modern contemporary.

Fresh new look

After dari bungsu, we went to our house in Delima cos parents nak beraya to the inlaws. By noon we zoomed to Lambak Kanan arah my Tua. Taruslah jua arah my aunty (mom's cousin) and then arah dad's cousin. After that we went to Salambigar to my other bungsu's house..btw this bungsu n my bungsu in Selayun tadi are twin sisters. But they don't look the same. Mcm bukan twins..hehe..

inlaws meet inlaws

Band of brothers

Time was now 4.30pm. We had 1 last house lagi kan di aga arah my amit but he wasnt home so we decided to go home. Atleast dapat rest skajap before going back to Bungsu di Selayun again cos ada makan2 sikit sal bungsu laki kan fly off to UK lusa. He'll be away for 5months. The makan2 pun tarus jua for my bro cos ia pun kan balik UK on the 25th for his final year.

Baby Qisya & mummy

My 1st cuzzies Ayang (L) & Jojo (R)
Ayang is from dad's side n Jojo from mom's side

We had to leave the function early cos all those that came to bungsu's house wanted to beraya at our place. So awal baliklah..kan prepare2 segala kuih2 lagi apa. Nda lagi tersnap lots of pix cos bz udah melayan guests

Cuz Balqis

Around 10pm we decided to follow durang Dadih beraya at my cuz Marx's GF cNurul. Her house pun nda jauh from us so alang2 ikut tah saja..hehe..At Nurul's ada openhouse but I didnt eat alot cos kanyang udah from bungsu's

Marx & Nurul

Awu..banar2 kami beraya today..menyampati all siblings my dad cos today saja his offday since any other day he's working the afternoon shift.


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