Apologies for the very very late update. Lama nda update blog cos been busy these past few months. Mana lagi STRESSSSS with work yang nda pandai tuhus..hmm..but anyways that's not what I'm gonna about here. Entry this time is to keep my promise about our UK trip last July because we wanted to visit my brother who is studying in Liverpool.
16th July 2010..Friday afternoon around 3pm was our scheduled flight to Kuala Lumpur. We went to UK using Malaysia Airlines so we had to transit in KL first before taking another flight to London. We had booked our tickets in February from Ken Travel. RBA tickets were already expensive by that time, luckily we got a cheaper rate using Malaysia Airlines (well B$1000+ nda plg murah but atleast dapat la save a few hundred dollars).
Our family went to see us off at the airport. Sepeninggalan kami sekeluarga, our house dijaga oleh my uncle who lives behind our house. We arrived at the airport around 12pm because check in baggage counter closed 1hour before flight. Sudah sampai di airport we found out that flight to KL was delayed..hmm..new flight time was at 4pm..o well atleast we only have 5hrs to kill in KL while waiting for our next flight to UK at 11pm..hehe..yea..5hrs transit in KLIA..i wonder what we could do in 5hrs. Rasanya if kan go out to KL nda jua dapat cos it takes 1hr drive from KLIA to KL city centre. So our only choice was to stay in KLIA.
16th July 2010..Friday afternoon around 3pm was our scheduled flight to Kuala Lumpur. We went to UK using Malaysia Airlines so we had to transit in KL first before taking another flight to London. We had booked our tickets in February from Ken Travel. RBA tickets were already expensive by that time, luckily we got a cheaper rate using Malaysia Airlines (well B$1000+ nda plg murah but atleast dapat la save a few hundred dollars).
Our family went to see us off at the airport. Sepeninggalan kami sekeluarga, our house dijaga oleh my uncle who lives behind our house. We arrived at the airport around 12pm because check in baggage counter closed 1hour before flight. Sudah sampai di airport we found out that flight to KL was delayed..hmm..new flight time was at 4pm..o well atleast we only have 5hrs to kill in KL while waiting for our next flight to UK at 11pm..hehe..yea..5hrs transit in KLIA..i wonder what we could do in 5hrs. Rasanya if kan go out to KL nda jua dapat cos it takes 1hr drive from KLIA to KL city centre. So our only choice was to stay in KLIA.
At the transfer counter a situation happened. The counter lady interviewed my sister some questions regarding our flight ticket and all and when she asked how many bags we checked in from Brunei, my sis jawablah 3 bags. But the counter lady stated that there were 4 bags checked in her system..huh?? 4 bags? Dari mana lagi dtgnya the extra bag? Panic la skajap cos we knew we checked in only 3 bags so how come their system stated four? Bila we checked our stickers for baggage claim, true enough there was 1 extra sticker..cana buleh nda perasan masa di Brunei ah? My sis panic udah cos all our bags were checked in under her name. The counter lady wasn't really helping too. She insisted that she can drop one bag from the system as long as we know which bag number to drop. The problem was kami pun nda tau which sticker was the extra sticker bag. Counter lady atu lagi cerita that this thing usually happen and ditakuti the extra bag belonged to someone else and contained “illegal stuff”. Now that's scary enough to hear and we really hoped it was nothing at all like that.
By that time me panas hati udah cos I just remembered that during check in at Brunei airport, the lady at the check-in counter was sooo “BUSY” chit-chatting with her friend on the phone while keying in data for our bags. Nda cukup atu after hanging up with her friend, ia sibuk jua melayan cerita kawannya sebelah counter. Gerenti at this point she thought she had printed out 3 stickers when infact she printed out 4 stickers..merepek kan..because of her, we got into this sticky situation. Pasal ia, our transit in KL jadi nda nyaman. I mean nda jua siuk kan jln2 if ati ingau ryt..our only solution was to grab our bags ASAP udah sampai in London and then chow. I tried my best to enjoy our transit time cos I really didn't want to think stressful stuff. I didnt want to spoil the first half of my UK trip just because of someone else's mistake although jauh disudut hati ani gundah gulana.
To kill time, my bro Adam, hubby and I went round2 KLIA. I forgot kami di terminal mana satu..hehe..pokoknya basarlah terminal atu..puas round2 buang masa. Abis kadai2nya me masuk window shopping..yelah, kan shopping berabis pun nda jua dpt cos hajat sebenar was to go to UK. Last2 we chilled at Starbucks minum coffee blended sambil online update status at FB. My dad and his cousin duduk “mengupi” at one of the cafe's since we landed in KL. At their age, duduk mengupi and catching up with each other lagi siuk as a way to kill time. My mom went with my sister.
Around 10pm, we all gathered together to get ready for boarding. By this time I was already feeling sleepy but excited at the same time. In 12 hours we’ll be arriving di bumi UK..yeaa..Our flight got delayed again by 40mins. We texted my brother to remind him to fetch us at Heathrow. I slept most of the time since it was really a long flight. Kept fidgeting too cos there wasn’t really enough space when ur in economy..hehe..When I was awake, I watched the in-flight movie. I think I must have watched about 4 movies straight..mcm movie marathon la pulak..hehe..
The best thing was I got to see the sunrise when we were flying over Brussels..Sky la sikit cos biasa liat sunset jer..kekeke..After what seemed like forever, the pilot suddenly announced that we would be landing at Heathrow airport in 30mins. Sempat la ke lavatory to freshen up. Finally, the airplane wheels touched down smoothly and we have arrived in London.
Once we got out of the aircraft, we went through immigrations. Sorry to say, abit kurang haja lah durang ani. Nasib ada uncle yang help answered questions since we told the lady that kami travelling in a group. After that, we all rushed to retrieve our bags. Once dapat all 3 bags, tarus chow. Lagipun my friend pernah told me that if lambat keluar, there will be sniffer dogs to sniff at luggages, takut2 ada illegal stuff kana pack. Lapas sja go thru the “Nothing to declare” sign, we finally stepped out into the arrival hall of Heathrow..wow..everything was like fast motion.
I set my time 7hrs back, so that meant it was 6.45am UK time and 1.45pm in Brunei. We looked for my brother tapi he was nowhere. Aii..mcm mana ni org yg spatutnya menyambut kami alum dtg ani. Uncle patiently waited with us and his daughter. They were heading off to Nottingham tarus while we would be staying in London for 2 nights before going off to Paris on the 3rd day.
About 15mins waiting, bayang2 my bro pun alum jua nampak2..hmmm…my mom was getting upset already..manalah anak atu…?